Maintenance & Performance Treatments

To reduce emissions and comply with international environmental standards, the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) has been developed to remove soot from the exhaust gas of diesel engines. Soot is caused by the incomplete combustion of diesel fuel. An engine which is in the emergency mode and which cannot speed up we cannot clean it with just an additive. There for our company has developed professional DPF cleaning kit - Diesel particulate filter system.

We are emotionally invested in your car delight with our products, treatments, state of the art technology and best of brand partnerships across the world to ensure we become your - Complete DPF Cleaning Service favorite destination.

Diesel particulate filters play a critical role in the functioning of diesel-fuel cars and trucks. Failing to maintain these filters can lead to significant and costly consequences for the vehicle. A diesel particulate filter, or DPF, is an exhaust after treatment device that traps particulate matter such as soot and ash. A DPF typically uses a substrate made of a ceramic material that is formed into a honeycomb structure. For more information, please visit our site

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