Forced Regeneration

A diesel particulate filter (DPF) is a filter that captures and stores exhaust soot some refer to them as soot traps in order to reduce emissions from diesel cars and trucks. The filter is designed to deliver an reduction in diesel particulate and soot emissions, it does this by trapping the particles in the filter itself - Diesel particulate filter system.

This trapped soot periodically has to be emptied or burned off to regenerate. If the DPF and Engine warning lights come on, the final regeneration will need to be completed. This is known as a forced regeneration. The vehicle will need to be driven carefully or towed down to a repair facility to have the DPF manually regenerated - Diesel Particulate Filters in Dallas.

This process is carried out by connecting a diagnostic scan tool to the vehicle and forcing the vehicle to carry out a regeneration. This can be a costly exercise as the oil and oil filter will require changing after the service has been completed. This is due to the extra fuel that is added after the combustion cycle, as some of it works its way into the sump and dilutes the oil. For more information, please visit our site

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