Diesel Particulate Filters Clean & Replace

It's much easier (and more affordable!) to clean a diesel particulate filter than it is to replace it, which is why understanding how these filters work and performing regular maintenance is so important. It's no secret that as cars and trucks age, their value decreases. Oftentimes, the price associated with replacing a DPF in an older, higher mileage car or truck is more than the value of the vehicle itself - Diesel particulate filter cleaning system.

The Diesel Particulate Filter on your car will look quite a lot like an muffler, but you will find it mounted much closer to the engine where it is warmer. The heat from the engine helps the DPF heat up faster and subsequently burn off the soot particles much more quickly - DPF Cleaning Process.

In order to understand how to maintain a DPF, it is important to first know how the DPF works. As the DPF collects particulate matter and ash from the engine, that matter is filling the DPF, creating a backpressure within the filter. For more information, please visit our site https://dpffilter.com/

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