Benefits of DPF Cleaning

We have invested in special equipment designed to clean diesel particulate filters in Dallas. This process is required to remove unburned lube oil or ash that has accumulated in the DPF during engine operation. The material that is removed from the DPF during cleaning is considered hazardous waste - Complete DPF Cleaning Service in Dallas.

Depending on the type and condition of the DPF, the cost and time required for cleaning will vary. If DPFs are neglected and not cleaned as recommended, they can also get plugged with excess soot. DPF cleaning can help reduce unscheduled downtime, identify potential filter deficiencies, and increase filter service life.

Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) are devices fitted to diesel engine vehicles to reduce the sooty particles that diesel engines produce. The diesel particulate filter (DPF) has a honeycombed interior, similar to a catalytic converter, which is made of silicon carbide. This is inside a stainless steel surround that you can see under the vehicle - Diesel particulate filter cleaning system.

Our DPF cleaning and maintenance can lead to longer DPF service life, increased fuel economy and performance, and less equipment downtime and lower operating costs. We understand that replacement DPF and DOC technology can be expensive. That's why we offer a complete, competitively priced service for DPF and DOC filters. For more information, please visit our site

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